Team Registration Pay for your team Player registration Join an incredibleteam of volunteers Venue:Youth - 4900 Manchester Ave, Saint Louis, MO 63110 Adult - TBD First Name *Last Name *PhoneEmail Address *Who are you with? (church, organization, self)Please indicate how would you like to volunteer at the tournament *Provide food (burger, cultural dishes, order carry out etc.)Provide prizes for raffle (electronics, gift cards etc.)Provide prizes for festival games (toys, candy etc)Serve foodSet Up (6am – 12pm)Clean up (2pm Saturday)Lead a craft stationLead a face painting table Lead a game stationProvide entertainment during lunch / opening ceremony (art performance, juggle etc) Deliver the National Anthem at the opening ceremonyScore keeper at the tournament Medical table Team leader / planning team memberSponsor a TeamPhotographyThis to certify that I have read and I agree to conditions below *In Consideration of the Organization allowing me to participate, I agree: A) to assume all risk arising out of, associated with or related to my participation; B) to be solely responsible for any injury, loss or damage that I might sustain while participating; and C) To release the Organization Cup of Nations STL from liability for any and all claims, demands, actions and costs that might arise out my participants, even though such risks, injuries, loss, damage, claims, demands, actions or costs may have been caused by the negligence of the Organization.Register